Whatz Gnu? Rimon Teleseminar: Facebook Personalized URLs: Titanic Brand Opportunity or Tip of an Iceberg?

Last week, Facebook announced the availability of a personalized Facebook URLs. This latest offering from Facebook raises serious issues—issues that are typically encountered when technology collides with traditional intellectual property laws intended to protect trademarks and brand names. Much like the confusion and abuse that proliferated when cybersquatting became rampant over the ownership and administration of domain names, we now have social networks and service providers allowing users to generate content and offering customized URLs within their domains in a digital and borderless world. Significantly, the promotional momentum created by Facebook’s offer has caused every astute brand and trademark owner to ponder whether they should be in a rush to register their personalized URL on Facebook, or let it ride and deal with potential infringements when—and if—they occur! You need practical guidance and insightful approaches to these problems.

The Media & Entertainment Industry Team and the Advertising Technology & Media Law Group at Rimon have put together an informative one-hour teleseminar entitled “Facebook Personalized URLs: Titanic Brand Opportunity or Tip of an Iceberg?” airing on Tuesday, June 23 at 12 p.m. EDT with partners Doug Wood and Joe Rosenbaum, to help you understand the issues, formulate an approach and make informed decisions and you are invited to participate. Participation is free, although long-distance telephone charges apply outside of the United States, the UK, France, and Germany, where 800 numbers are used. Don’t miss this call!

Call-in ports are limited, so please click here to register or contact Anna Kazachkov at akazachkov@rimonlaw.com no later than Monday, June 22, to receive a dial-in number and a passcode. If you require additional information, you can contact Anna by telephone directly at +1.212.702.1399.

Thank You!

I want to thank our loyal readers who use ever-increasingly sophisticated search technology to find answers to Useless But Compelling Facts. If you are a winner, you will get a prize—I promise! To those who actually read the articles and send us work—thank you. I promise you high-quality, responsive, knowledgeable legal support—when and where you need it.

To clients, colleagues, prospects, friends—all who have enriched my life and helped me continue to learn—thank you for a challenging and interesting 2008. May the new year bring us health, success, new challenges and more fun. A 2009, filled with wonder and excitement. Let us have the patience to deal with what we cannot change, and let’s resist the temptation to think there is little we can change. Let us know tolerance to accept others who may be different, and wisdom to learn from them—there is both beauty and strength in diversity. Thank you.

Gift Card Laws

Want to know why gift card laws are such a maze? Check out the March 2008 issue of Credit Union Business (Vol. 3, Issue 3), in which nationally published freelance writer and attorney Ursula Furi-Perry reports on her interview with Legal Bytes editor, Joe Rosenbaum, in a feature article, “Plastic Law: What Executives Must Know.” Want to know more about what matters? Head to
rimonlaw.com or email me.

Recent Publications

Legal Bytes editor Joe Rosenbaum has authored a chapter in a new book, Inside the Minds: Managing Advertising & Marketing Legal Issues, published by Aspatore Publishing. The chapter is entitled “The Tension Between Advertising & Privacy: Whose Information Is It (Déjà vu)?” The text looks back at a Jurimetrics Law Journal article he authored 10 years ago entitled “Privacy on the Internet: Whose Information Is It Anyway?” and examines how the evolution of web-based and mobile advertising continue to have a profound effect on our notions of privacy in the digital world.

Protecting Personal Information: Best Practices for Business

A half-day workshop, Protecting Personal Information: Best Practices for Business, co-hosted by the California Office of Privacy and the FTC, will take place Aug. 13 in Los Angeles. It is designed to show businesses how to protect the privacy of employees and consumers and the security of personal information. The workshop will share best practices for developing a data security program and for responding to data breaches.

Upcoming Events

Joseph I. Rosenbaum will be speaking at the Virtual Worlds Conference in New York (April 3–4) on the subject of Marketing to Children in Virtual Worlds: At Play or As Prey? exploring the emerging use of virtual worlds to advertise and market, exploit, educate and entertain children. Joe will also be a panelist at the 40th International Advertising Association Conference in Washington, D.C. April 7 on the subject of Mobile Mayhem.