Stimulus Package Includes Broadband Opportunities

This post was written by Amy Mushahwar and Judith Harris.

On Feb. 17, 2009, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (otherwise known as the Stimulus Package) with two broadband deployment grant funding opportunities. As a follow-up to this statute, the Departments of Agriculture and Commerce recently released a Notice that will apply to awarding the first $4 billion of the total $7.2 billion in federal Stimulus Package broadband funds.

Broadband providers are already devising applications to serve rural, unserved and underserved geographic areas. But, did you know that other opportunities in the Notice could be of interest to you? For example, the Notice provides funding to conduct education campaigns in order to stimulate broadband uptake, and local broadband providers may need to partner with regional educators or advertisers to assist with these grass roots education campaigns. Or, broadband deployment applicants receive preferences for linking “community institutions” (which would include schools, universities and hospitals, to name a few) to their proposed broadband networks. The community institution preference would provide unique opportunities for those companies facilitating telemedicine or distance learning to partner with local telecommunications providers.

A link to a nuts-and-bolts Alert regarding the basic components of the NOFA and helpful deadlines is provided below. The Obama administration seems determined to move things along expeditiously. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis from July 14 until Aug. 14, 2009, so you would have to work quickly on this, if you have any interest in riding this particular train.

You can view Rimon’s full Alert by clicking the link below:

Broadband Stimulus Notice Released with Application Details

If you need to know, you need to contact Amy Mushahwar, Judith Harris or your favorite Rimon attorney—who will be more than happy to help you.

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