Two months ago, our trivia contest asked about ex-Vice President Aaron Burr, who was arrested and ultimately acquitted of treason after he left office. There were so many responses that for our last question in 2009, we decided to give you some more Presidential trivia. Now Aaron Burr was hardly the worst of the ‘past’ Presidents or Vice-Presidents. Former President John Tyler (who left office in 1845), was a member of the Confederate Congress at the time of his death in 1862. But here are the questions for you to ponder and puzzle over this month: First, who is the only President of the United States to serve two non-consecutive terms? Second, which President is the only one who, after leaving office, became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States? OK, if you can guess the right answers to those two, you have one more hurdle to overcome to become the winner. Of the Presidents who served in the 20th Century, three of them – Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan – lived past 90. So for our third and final question of the year, we ask you to identify the only President before 1900 who reached the ripe old age of 90 after leaving Presidential office?
If you think you know the answers, a special new years’ 2010 prize will be yours if you are right AND first. Send your answers to me at