William F. Buckley, Jr.

“Truth is a demure lady, much too ladylike to knock you on your head and drag you to her cave. She is there, but people must want her, and seek her out.”

Simon Sinek

“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.”

Bill Maher

“Gay marriage won’t lead to dog marriage. It is not a slippery slope to rampant inter-species coupling. When women got the right to vote, it didn’t lead to hamsters voting. No court has extended the equal protection clause to salmon. And for the record, all marriages are “same sex” marriages. You get married, and every night, it’s the same sex.”

Stephen King

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”

Benjamin Franklin

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”

George Bernard Shaw

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

Nido Qubein

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.”

Simon Sinek

“The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen.”